The Horatio-Rose Group is a boutique leadership advisory firm. We help solve the critical leadership challenges facing organizations across industries and phases of growth. We have competitive spirits, collaborative personalities and a strong track record of helping clients propel themselves forward.

  • Clients often come to us with a challenge to address or an opportunity to exploit: a startup has experienced rapid growth and doesn't know how to make its success scalable; an established Fortune 500 company needs its management team to be more nimble and responsive to the demands of a rapidly changing marketplace; a private equity firm wants to know if the management team of a recently acquired portfolio company can successfully bring the investment thesis to fruition; a family office faces questions of succession and what direction the family business should go. The challenges companies face are myriad, and in some cases the solution has yet to be discovered. That's where our keen insights about people and business and depth of experience are indispensable.

  • We develop bespoke solutions that address each client's unique situation. Once aligned with a client about goals and outcomes we quickly refine our understanding of a client's growth strategy and the leadership requirements for sustained performance. With goals and context established we begin a period of discovery - this is a dynamic and illuminating process. Whether the focus is on individuals, teams or the enterprise as a whole, we use a robust blend of strategies to capture information essential to developing a roadmap for change and growth.

  • Business-relevant insights are the catalysts for overcoming obstacles, revealing untapped opportunities and optimizing strengths. In short, they provide CEOs, boards, investors and management teams with the tools to create value through people and maximize organizational performance. Some clients measure our value on the basis of business growth; others by the successful implementation of a rigorous CEO succession process; still others by the development and retention of key leaders. Whatever metrics a client chooses, we are accountable for achieving outcomes. Our business is helping yours perform.